My (very) short story What a trifle is a heart is now out in the Valentine’s Day special issue of SERIAL magazine. Both print and ebook editions are on sale.

SERIAL is a new and extremely good-looking magazine of genre and pulp fiction, and I’m very much looking forward to receiving my copy. More about this issue, the stories and authors (including me) is on their website and makes interesting reading.

What a trifle is a heart tells an archetypal story of a broken heart. Its central image was born from the idea of a vital physical organ – the heart – doing double-duty as a rich, well-used metaphor for all kinds of love. I was interested in exploiting that duality by telling a story that’s all about feelings, using the most tactile and physically visceral imagery possible.

The story was previously published in The Oxford Writing Circle anthology Love with a Twist exactly one year ago, accompanied by a beautiful illustration from Sophie Temple.


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